
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May - a happy month - Week 1

Dear Friends,

I am today posting my 100th post with 100 followers. A Special thanks to each and everyone who visited my blog. 

Now on to my blog anniversary contest

Every Wednesday from today the challenge begins here. You can create anything but your projects should have paper quilling in it.It is just to pay a tribute to this wonderful art.

Rules.............? No rules, but if you spread a word, I would be happy.  :)

Each project will be rated in the scale of 100. The maximum points holder will be the winner and it will be announced on 28th May - my 1st year celebration day. 

I will create a audience poll too. The poll will add bonus points to your project every week. I can assure you that the points will be given only based on your work and commitment towards quilling.

Anyone in the world interested in quilling can participate, the winner would get a gift voucher from a famous online craft website. Surprise gift would also be there.

Just show your love towards Quilling. So add your precious new projects here. No back linking pls.

Week 1 ends on 8th May at 5PM.


  1. linked mine. congrats shylaashree,wow 100th post with 100followers. grt. i hope i will do some more quilling work this week and link it to yours.

  2. what a lovely contest and congrats on ur century !!

  3. i have shared the news on my blog

  4. wow..congrats shyalaa..n contest is sounding interesting...

  5. Hi Shalyaashree congratulations on blog anniversary and 100 followers.

  6. Congratulations.. lovely contest..

  7. Congratulations your quilling, am your new follower.

  8. Hi Shalyaashree
    First of all congr888's for ur blog anniversary n 100 followers...
    Simply loved ur contest as it has n really an unique theme...:)
    I have jst enterd my quilled easel card
    All the very best 4ur future projects dear...

  9. Congratulations :) ... and love the contest for making QUILLING a must :)

  10. Congrats Shyla , I wish u advance wishes on ur blog anniversary. Keep Going my dear!

  11. Congrats Shyla,... I wish u in advance on ur first anniversary.Keep going my dear.


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